Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Cassidy, Cassidy Quite Contrary, How Does Your Garden Grow? :)

This is my little experimental patio garden. I am not a gardner by any means and have never been able to keep an indoor plant alive, but I thought I would try my luck at a potted garden this year. These are the beginnings of what has sprouted so far. (Hopefully my next post about the garden will not feature pictures of dead plants ha).

This is one of my tomato plants... I think this one is the Roma Tomatoes. I did plant a bit of basil in this pot as well.... but it died... hmmm. I think I may have crammed it in there too tightly or over watered it haha.

The first pot on the left is the tomato plant again, the next pot over is my new basil plant... I had to retry the basil since I killed the first basil plants that I had planted and I had been most excited about the basil because I cook with it a lot. Next to the basil is my strawberry plant! It already has a few green strawberries in blossom. I am hoping it produces enough for some strawberry angel food cake topping! On the very end I have some bib lettuce growing.... I think I may have enough for one salad eventually ... some of the lettuce kinda rotted while trying to grow so this is what's left of it.

Lettuce, Thyme, Oregano and Walla Walla Onions... I am going to have to repot the onions soon though since this planted box is too small to hold them all. (Like the cute pink gardening tools Adam got me? Perfect).

This is my other tomato plant... it has a cherry tomato plant and some type of big tomatoes too. We will see how it does. Susan told me to try feeding my tomatoes milk once in a while because they like the calcium... I don't drink milk... but I have been giving them some of my soy milk since it has calcium in it... we will see how they do hahahaha....

Baby strawberry... can't wait to eat it! YUM!

This is a tomato blossom... hopefully I actually grow some tomatoes at some point... we will see :)

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